I've done a lot of training in my life! Studied a lot of things. Have you?

I often think about that and reflect on how I have spent my life and what the end results of those endeavors have been/are.
Which ones have helped me help others in ways I have personally witnessed to be effective? To make the world a little better by my being in it?
How much have they added joy and improved MY well-being?
What lasting beauty am I leaving in the world that will remain once I am gone?
These three questions have really help to guide me in being more aware of where to focus my efforts in a way that not only supports me in all the mundane ways, but also makes my life feel deeply meaningful and fulfilling.
After all, we have one precious life.

When I weigh all the money, time and effort I have put into the things I have done to better myself so I can help others so I can live a life that feels fulfilling, it becomes very clear what has brought me joy and fulfillment and what has failed to do that.
Having a "real job"....that's what my Dad used to call my veterinary oncology career compared to me talking to him about the various spiritual pursuits that I was enjoying... never brought me joy. Not like I'm talking about.
I got to the end of my career training and thought "Is this it?" I did all the "things I was supposed to do." I went to church, I was a good person, I worked hard and I got the job. I married an absolutely amazing guy and have a very good relationship that is founded on mutual respect, love and friendship. Is this all there is at the end of the rainbow?
Can you relate?
Sure my job brought me some money. It brought me some degree of respect. It brought me some degree of meaning. It also brought me criticism. Because I refused to stay in the "conventional medicine box". I believed in the power of our Soul and Spirit. The world at large doesn't really support that as "valid".
That always puzzled me. Until I realized that in our conditioning and making statistics a religion we have created a problem. Because we don't have a machine that can measure Love. Not really. Love is a force. And it is real. Prove that.

My life now is filled with so much more joy, laughter, happiness and peace than it ever has held before.
Because I Am different.
Because I chose to do something uncomfortable.
I chose to grow.
I asked God and the universe for something more. Something that would help me.
And then I listened. I was willing to watch for the opportunities that presented them selves to me. And I was willing to take a brave step into something new. Something I had never done before. To step through a new door.
I was willing to trust. And that was a HUGE thing for me at the time. Because ultimately I had to learn how to trust myself again. And that is where I was being guided.
What did I do?
I pursued spiritual training in a long-standing lineage which encourages Action and Love, both. Which acknowledges that information alone does not lead to understanding. Application of that knowledge to life does.
Feeling fulfilled and engaging with activities that " light me up on the inside ".......
that's a phrase we use in the world today a lot isn't it?! .....ever think about why?
Light is important. Spiritual Light.
It's the missing piece.
Anyway....doing things that "Light me up on the inside" has healed my life in ways I never believed were possible until I experienced them. And that has made EVERYTHING in my life better.
My mind is quiet.
The mental chatter than used to plague me, that plagues a lot of people and causes so much suffering, is quiet.
That had NEVER happened with 15 years of meditation or yoga or praying or any book I read or any webinar or class I watched or psychological technique I pursued or any other spiritual practice I had learned. (I said I did a lot!) And it definitely didn't happen by escaping through alcohol.
How Did I Accomplish it?
For me, it all started with a desire for something better accompanied by acceptance of myself and the willingness to overcome my apprehension, to trust, and to experience an initiation in the ancient Mystery School tradition.
I learned.
And then I followed up and used what I learned EVERY DAY.
I tested it. I am trained as a scientist and veterinarian and a medical oncologist specialist too after all! I know how to ask intelligent questions. And I also know, through direct experience talking to thousands of people throughout my career and trainings and teaching hundreds of classes, both scientific and spiritual, that information doesn't change people's beliefs. Experience does.
So I gave myself a chance to have a new experience of myself.
The Result?
I grew!
I grew way beyond what I was shooting for. I grew in ways I didn't even know to ask for! And that gave me the capacity to step into my life in a new way!
A way that brings Spiritual power to everything I do in a very deep and different way. Which spiritualizes life. Which has brought new life into everything I do in my life.
I have been spiritual my whole life and grew up in religion. So it's more than that.
Helping others connect with their own path to understanding what brings THEM Joy and fulfillment is THE most fulfilling thing I do. And it makes everything else I do more fulfilling.
Gaining Clarity and Connecting with Your Inner Guidance
My path isn't your path.
Your path is your own.
And that is for you to figure out.
But one thing I understand is that Light helps EVERYONE. Love helps EVERYONE.
If you feel curious about how to access more spiritual Light to support you to grow BEYOND where you are now, what worked for me was this...
And then, because I am me, I dove in for even more (which isn't for everyone but it is an option for anyone who is motivated)....Healers Academy, Ritual Master training and initiation, Guide training and initiation....and beyond!
That's me. And being more myself has made all the difference.
Because it Lights me up on the inside and I love helping people who want to grow and heal and serve the world in a bigger way.
Below is a great share from Dr. Ann Donnelly, MD and Modern Mystery School International high initiate about what initiation into an authentic Mystery School lineage is and how it works.
If you are interested, please enjoy the read below.
If you want to experience it yourself, reach out to me with an email.
In the end, it's your journey. You choose your adventure!
One piece of advice though:
Whatever you choose to do with your life, prioritize your health, happiness and well-being. Because your life flows from you. God flows through you. YOU matter. YOU are important.

by Dr. Ann Donnelly (shared on social media 10/16/24)
Swords have been used through eons of time to cut, to pierce to act as deterrents, to guard and yes to take life on the battlefield.
At the Modern Mystery School they are used as a very sacred tool to bring down the energy required to initiate someone into the Holy Lineage of King Salomon.
So what is Initiation?
It means to begin, to start, to take action. In our Lineage we have a special Mission.
It is the Mission of bringing Shamballah to this world.
Have you felt the world is in a dark place and do you feel called to make it better?
LIGHT is required for this Mission! AND believe it or not, that journey starts within you.
It is easy to point outside ourselves at those who create pain, those who discriminate, those who are at war with each other. However, have you taken time to reflect on your own world?
Are you firm but kind with yourself? Do you speak in hurtful terms inside your mind to yourself putting yourself down instead of taking the action necessary to create the change you personally desire?
Do you judge others, coveting those who are successful rather than being inspired that someone actually DID IT! So it is possible for you, or for you to create something even better?
Every thought, word, action sends a ripple into our world, creating what? What do you actually, deep down, wish to see in the world?
This level of internal transformation requires physical, mental and spiritual engagement.
There are ancient tools which King Salomon ensured we would be able to access TODAY, by a process of keeping them pure and untainted. He handing them down through an unbroken Lineage, in an aural tradition, so one needs to be physically present to receive these teachings voice to ear so to speak.
One requires energy, frequency and vibration.
“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."- Nikola Tesla
Teachers and Guides in the Lineage train countless hours and work hard to be in good standing with the Great Work and the Mission.
The transformation and transmutation required to shift from the ‘old’ ways of being into something ‘new’ (the treasure locked inside every human heart) requires LIGHT!
As initiates we hold more LIGHT with each Initiation. The process is simple but very POWERFUL.
Before initiation comes training and knowledge which when applied in daily life it will transform your life!
When we rise to meet the LIGHT pushing through the obstacles to get us there, it will meet us! Strong and steadfast, ready to serve.
Are you ready to serve? To bring LIGHT to our world?
There is a Path based in the Sacred tradition of the King Salomon Lineage.
He taught his Healers to be Warriors and his Warriors to be Healers ensuring the art of balance within all who sought the LIGHT.
If you wish to know more, to experience a class or to dive in, please reach out.
There is a Life Activation Practitioner & a Guide near you. We can help you find one close by.