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Wellness and Empowerment Retreat: Special Event for veterinarians

Thu, Jan 18


The Bannink Abode on Indian Lake

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Wellness and Empowerment Retreat: Special Event for veterinarians
Wellness and Empowerment Retreat: Special Event for veterinarians

Time & Location

Jan 18, 2024, 9:30 AM EST – Jan 22, 2024, 7:30 PM EST

The Bannink Abode on Indian Lake, Addison Township, MI 48367, USA

About the Event

Here is the low-down of the basic schedule:

Wednesday Jan 17: Travel day and Check in

Thursday Jan 18: Guided Max Meditation, Sacred Geometry 1 class, and personal healing sessions.

Friday Jan 19: Astral Travel and personal healing sessions

Saturday and Sunday, Jan 20-21: Empower Thyself Training and Initiation

Monday, Jan 22: Check out and travel home

Registration deadline is January 1. A La Carte healings are scheduled first come first serve and spaces will fill.

What you will receive with your registration: (full descriptions below)

  • 5 nights of lodging at a nice home right next door to my home where classes are being held
  • Lunch Thursday - Sunday
  • Dinner Thursday and Friday
  • Life Activation (or Full Spirit Activation if you have already received a Life Activation) and Personal Energy Clearing 
  • Chi Do energy movement practice Thursday and Friday mornings
  • Guided Max Meditation Thursday Morning
  • Sacred Geometry 1 class (4 hours) Thursday 10-2pm
  • Astral Travel 1 class (5 hours) Friday 10-3pm
  • Thursday and Friday afternoon and evening: Optional A La Carte personal healing sessions (see below for menu of offerings)

2-Day Empower Thyself Training:

  • Learn techniques that will support you in becoming more balanced, grounded and self-aware.
  • Develop your connection to your higher self, inner guidance and intuition.
  • Be empowered to live life focused on the bigger picture, exercising greater choice and influence over your behavior so that you have a higher capacity to positively impact your life and struggle less with the “small stuff”.
  • Gain greater connection and protection in the Light.
  • Access and flow 10 times more energy in your life!
  • Understand how your ego works and how to clean up the influence of your negative ego on your True Self.
  • Become more empowered to redefine your identity to be in alignment with who you really are and to shift your life to support your higher desires.
  • Examine what it means to be a human, why you were born and how to come into greater alignment with your life purpose.
  • Catalyze your progression in life and get energy flowing in areas of life where it has been stagnating.
  • Sunday evening we conclude our retreat with a Sacred Spiritual Initiation into the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light that clears some junk from your energy field and gives you access to 10 times more Light energy for more power to make positive changes in your life.

What you will learn:

  • Six Rituals to help you in your day to day life, healing, personal protection and manifestation
  1. The Magick Circle (protection and setting space)
  2. The Calling Upon Ritual (angelic assistance)
  3. The Affirmation to Healing (personal healing)
  4. The Prayer of Protection (protection and energy clearing)
  5. The Qabalistic Cross (protection)
  6. The Pattern on the Tresleboard (activation of your divine spiritual energies)
  • Sanctuary Meditation: a fail-safe method to easily and safely expend your consciousness and meet with your Higher Self to receive clear guidance from within
  • Max Meditation: a multi-faceted meditation technique to relax the body and mind, clear the thoughts and achieve higher brainwave states that will support your manifestation and healing work
  • Astral Travel Technique: a Mystery School technique where you will learn to safely expand your consciousness you can use to explore the astral planes and other dimensions safely and effectively in order to access guidance and information to assist you in your life
  • Chi Do: a simple movement practice, similar to Tai Chi, to strengthen your energy fields for health, healing and more energy in your day tomanic ah day life
  • The Western Mystery School lineage story of Creation and what the ancient lineage teachings say about who we are, what we are doing here, how to conceptualize our relationship with God in order to achieve our human potential and learn to work with the divine forces that are here to support us on our human journey, what it means to be human, the purpose of life, and how to come into greater alignment with our personal spiritual mission
  • How to understand one of the main inner dynamics that blocks you from joy, peace and happiness and how to transcend these obstacles in order to create the life you want to be living and experience greater inner peace.
  • ...and much more!

Optional A La Carte Healing Sessions (Th/Fri)

  • Hermetic Energy Rebalancing 
  • Shamanic Aura Clearing 
  • Full Crystal Healing 
  • Ensofic Ray reiki (TM)
  • Massage (with local Adept initiate) 
  • Tuning Fork Treatment (with my Mom) 

Tiered Pricing: assigned based on order in which payments are received.**payments are non-refundable**

OPTION 1*: Paid in Full: private double bed

Tier 1: spots 1 & 2: $2295**. full - no longer available

Tier 2: spots 3 & 4: $2395** full - no longer available

OPTION 2*: Paid in Full Shared Room Two twin beds:

Tier 3: Spot 5: twin bed, shared room: full - no longer available

Tier 3: Spot 6: twin bed, shared room $2345**

OPTION 3: Paid in Full - lodging not included (recommend local lodging at Candlewood Suites, Auburn Hills):

Tier 4: Spots 7 and 8: $2500**

OPTION 4: Audit Pricing (previously completed Empower Thyself Training and received Adept Initiation with Erin)

$1095 - contact Erin to register - space allowing

*Price includes healings (Life Activation or Full Spirit Activation + Personal Energy Clearing, or Isis Healing + Aura Healing + Personal Energy Clearing), lodging, meals, attendance to all classes, and optional a la carte healings as space is available.

**PLEASE NOTE: Deposits and Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferrableIf you develop COVID, proof of a positive test is required and your payment will be transferred to secure you a place in the next Empower Thyself Program.





These lineage teachings on Sacred Geometry will introduce you to the 3 Keys to Heaven and the Language of Universe and God.

While many sources of knowledge regarding sacred geometry, the golden ratio, the Fibonnaci sequence, etc. will teach you about these concepts, this course will teach you how to apply them, and embody them, in your life!

By taking this course, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Learn ancient gridding techniques for creating sacred space and bringing more Light, harmony, and peace into your home and living spaces
  • Receive attunements to align your energy field with the 3 primary sacred geometries
  • Create a holy Temple space to uplift your meditation, healing, and spiritual work
  • Enhance your ability to manifest and create in alignment with your Highest Good


This course offers you the esoteric tools and techniques from the Lineage of King Salomon to safely and effectively expand your consciousness to explore the astral planes, higher spiritual dimensions , and commune with Masters of Light.

Practicing astral travel as taught in this course can also expand your ability to meditate, lucid dream, journey and feel freer and more expansive in your everyday life!

By taking this course, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Learn time-tested techniques to safely access higher spiritual dimensions
  • Deepen your understanding of who you truly are as an eternal, divine spiritual being
  • Nurture and heal your Soul and Spirit to inspire a whole new level of inner wholeness
  • Gain insight into yourself, the bigger picture of your life, and the nature of your existence
  • Attune more deeply with inner guidance and enhance your ability to move through your life lessons
  • Expand the realm of what's possible in your life


The Max Meditation System is based on a fusion of both ancient and modern meditation techniques. This balanced meditation system combines methods from ancient yogic traditions, modern psychology and neuro-linguistic programming.

Multiple brainwave states have been identified that correlate with different states of consciousness. The Max Meditation system guides you through deep relaxation, breathing and imagery which facilitates an experience of these various brainwave states. This conditions your mind to be able to enter these states more easily & learn how to get the most out of your meditation practice.


Receive clearer, more direct guidance from your Higher Self to illuminate your life’s journey. The Sanctuary Meditation is a sacred tool for reliably accessing your very own spiritual sanctuary in order to commune directly with your Higher Self and receive clearer guidance to elevate and enhance your life.

By taking this course, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Establish and cultivate your relationship with your Divine, Higher Self
  • Strengthen your ability to discern and choose your Highest Good
  • Unlock deep, inner guidance and empowerment to ascend your consciousness
  • Affirm who you truly are as a Divine, Eternal, Limitless Being of Light!



(90 minutes) with Dan Bannink or Kearsten Manoulain

It is your life and you should live it to its fullest on all levels: body, mind and spirit. This modality is an ancient tool that has the capacity to bring • about empowerment and • healing while it lights up your aura, heightens your intuition and transforms your entire being. Experience practical results after your session.

  • Recharge and revitalize your physical body
  • Clear out negative thoughts and emotions
  • Amplify your connection to your Higher Self and Spirit Guides
  • Increase your intuition and spiritual gifts
  • Shift your consciousness to make positive changes in your life
  • Use more of your brain power
  • Cleans genetic karmic patters
  • and so much more!


(30 minutes) with Erin Bannink 

Experience effective energy clearing techniques from a 3000+ year old Mystery School tradition in the lineage of King Solomon. This "energy clean-up" clears heavy energy, cuts emotional and energetic cords and infuses Light into your field to leave you feeling lighter.



(90 minutes) with Chris or Joe Elwart

While the Life Activation amplifies your personal connection to your higher self and brings clarity, the Full Spirit Activation takes that one step further to increase your connection to your Soul and your Purpose. By activating these higher aspects of your energy bodies, you are switching on the superhero system that exists within everyone. This is the potential to perform miracles and the opportunity to optimize your own divinity.This session involves awakening the Thalamus region, or the "old brain", the Pituitary and Pineal glands, which increases the Soul's awareness to the physical experience, this creating richer appreciation for this amazing life.

Benefits of Full Spirit Activation can include:

  • ●  Greater awareness of your Soul’s Purpose
  • ●  Amplified sensory and extrasensory perception
  • ●  Enhanced brain capacity and nervous system function
  • ●  Expanded experience of connection to ALL things
  • ●  Deepened creativity and ability to manifest
  • ●  And More!

ISIS HEALING $250 (only for Audits - previously have received Adept Initiation) 

(60 minutes) with Erin Bannink

An Egyptian Magick healing that uses the energies of the Gods and Goddesses Isis, Osiris, Geb, and Nut. This powerful Egyptian healing modality facilitates the rebirth of your emotional body to restore vitality and help you overcome burnout in your life. The pace of modern society often leaves our energies feeling scattered and our minds exhausted and confused. The Isis Healing gathers those energies back together and purifies the mind to renew mental clarity, focus, passion, and drive! This is a specialized healing that can only be performed by certified Guides.

Benefits of the Isis Healing can include:

  • ●  A greater sense of focus and mental clarity
  • ●  Renewed energy and vitality
  • ●  Rejuvenated motivation and drive
  • ●  Feeling uplifted and free
  • ●  And More!



with Adept Initiate and licensed massage therapist Danielle McLain

$80 (60 minutes)

$110 (90 minutes)  


(45 - 60 minutes) with Erin Bannink

Experience the deep healing power of crystals! A relaxing, peaceful session for the body and mind, this lineage crystal healing involves placing crystals on the body and is customized specifically to your needs in order to restore harmony, balance, and flow in your life!

Taught in Sacred Geometry 2, if you take that class, you can learn to do this powerful healing for yourself and for others!

Benefits of the Full Crystal Healing can include:

  • ●  Relaxation & the experience of inner peace
  • ●  Increased focus, drive, and passion
  • ●  Accelerated recovery & healing
  • ●  Grounding you into the present moment
  • ●  Healing your relationship with time
  • ●  Balancing the flow of life force through your body
  • ●  And More!


(60 minutes) with Erin Bannink, Chris Elwart or Joe Elwart

This is the original blueprint of Reiki as handed down to Usui from which all forms of Reiki were derived. Certified EnSofic ReikiTM practitioners are trained to flow the purest and highest vibrational energy - the energy of the Ray of EnSof - to destroy energy blockages and dis-ease that cause inflammation, suffering, and imbalances in your mental, emotional, and physical structures. 

Benefits of receiving EnSofic ReikiTM can include:

  • ●  Accelerated healing of pain, disease, & inflammation
  • ●  Enhanced cognitive clarity and function
  • ●  Rejuvenation and revitalization of your vitality
  • ●  Increased hope and positivity
  • ●  And More!


(90 minutes) with Chris or Joe Elwart

The founder of the Modern Mystery School states that this is the highest level of energy rebalancing taught within the school. Clear away distracting thoughts and mental energies that cause confusion to provide a newer, clearer perspective on life and reality. The Hermetic Energy Rebalancing cleanses the mental debris responsible for creating illusions, misunderstandings, and lack of awareness. See through the illusions to see the world in a whole new way!

Benefits of the Hermetic Energy Rebalancing can include:

  • ●  Greater clarity on life and reality
  • ●  Decreased confusion and mental clutter
  • ●  Deepened awareness and heightened consciousness
  • ●  Stronger, more sustainable creativity
  • ●  Amplified willpower and motivation
  • ●  And More!

This healing series could be considered the equivalent of emotional disaster relief and cleanup.


(30-45 minutes) with Chris or Joe Elwart

Heal rips or tears in your auric field and infuse your whole energetic field with purifying and cleansing energy in this ancient Shamanic healing ceremony. Regain balance and stability in your life and purify your aura to flow with more positivity, peace, and empowerment.

Benefits of Shamanic Aura Clearing can include:

  • ●  Greater physical, mental, and emotional resilience
  • ●  Feeling lighter, brighter, and more optimistic
  • ●  Increased ability to overcome negative emotions
  • ●  Improved wellbeing and holistic health
  • ●  More stability and centeredness
  • ●  And More!


  • Registration

    * Please note - registration deposits and payments are non-refundable* If you have questions please contact Erin at

    Sale ended
    • $2,345.00



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