Virtual Access to Initiates Gathering
Sun, Jan 28
For those who have not yet purchased a membership to our on line site (for members, this zoom access is free)
Time & Location
Jan 28, 2024, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
About the Event
This is an event for those who have completed the Empower Thyself Training and Initiation. You will be sent the zoom link once I have received your registration and confirmed your status as an edept initiate. Registration before 4:30pm on Sunday is required. I will send you the link via email.
This is the Advanced Divine PowerHouse Spiritual Studies group where, as an initiate, you have the opportunity to explore deeper spiritual teaachings, receive support in your daily practice and ask questions related to your spiritual mastery and progression and enjoy more advanced spiritual discussions in a supportive and uplifting environment. The flavor of the gatherings depends on the question you bring.
We will do a sanctuary meditation together.
All in-person atendees bring an offering which they feel is adequate as an energy exchange. Your event ticket is your energy exchange.
If you wish to attend for a cheaper monetary exchange, you have already been invited to join the network which gives you access to this event as part of your monthly membership as an Adept initiate at a significantly discounted rate ($15/mo). For those who wish not to join our on-line community, this is another way you are able to attend and stay connected with me and each other each month without a monthly commitment.
Remember, the idea of an energy exchange is honoring what you will be receiving and giving something in exchange for that in order to create a flow of energy that supports you in the best way. This has to do, hermetically, with the Universal Laws of:
- Reciprocity (cause and effect) - everything we do and think has an effect, every Cause has an Effect and every Effect has a Cause.
As initiates, we are learning to be "at cause" in the world, rising above the ordinary plane of cause and effect to become the Cause, rather than the Effect. We use this law, along with the others to Create and Master our life.
- Correspondence (as within so without) - creating a favorable internal environment that will be reflected externally (appreciation, honor, gratitude)
As initiates, we are actively engaging with this principle and learning about it every time we do our rituals, meditations and prayers. This is the Universal law of application and manifestation which involves the material, mental and spiritual worlds. Working on all levels, we become more effective creators in our life. Hermeticists view this as one of the most important mental instruments for unveiling the mysteries of the Universe. This principle is also the foundational teaching in all secret esoteric and mystical traditions. The state of our outer world reflects the state of our inner world. This is something to really sit with, think about and work with. This is the reason dedicating time to our personal growth and healing is so important. You can't just work "out there" and expect any lasting change.
- Rhythm (there is always an action and a reaction - a flow - a pendulum swing)
As initiates, we have the opportunity to learn how to master this to achieve a degree of Self-Mastery in which we rise above the swings and stabilize ourselves at the point we wish to rest. This involves use of our Will (and certain practices) to attain a degree of Poise and Mental Firmness which allows us to operate in balance through the process of Mental Alchemy. The first step in that is to identify where it is, on the pendulum swing, we wish to rest. By holding this vision, acting in accordance with it, and taking the necessary steps if one wishes to progress in their ability to live this way, we can start to move into this level of Mastery.
Virtual Attendance Ticket
Pay what you wantSale ended