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Musings: Can Humanity Rise? One achievable way you can help.

Erin Bannink

Updated: 4 days ago

Can we rise?

Have you ever looked around and wondered "how did we get here?" Well, there is a rhyme and reason to the Universe and this is the human playground we are playing in. I often think about this. What am I seeing and what is the answer that isn't the obvious one being served up by the media, propoganda and social programming?

In the end the simple, yet often uncomfortable truth that we reject because the implications are challenging to our ego, is that it always comes down to one person in the end. You. Me. One person. The world, after all, is made up of a bunch of "one person"s. The only one you can control rightly and effectively is you. And, lets be honest if honesty is what we are seeking, how well are you in control of yourself? This isn't about sides. All sides have the same issues deep down. And why do you need to identify as anything but Yourself?

What are your actions saying? If you speak love with the acts of hate or fear, you are not actually speaking love although you may be using the words. You are using words that do not align with your actions. This fosters mistrust. Because it is a lie. And that ripples out into the collective experience of humankind. Is that helping anyone?

If you speak unity with acts of divisiveness and driven by fear and the intention to separate, alienate and break down what does not support your chosen position, you do not stand for unity. You stand for divisiveness. You stand for categorizing and separating.

The world may applaud those kinds of actions that feed the agenda of chaos, and that might make you feel like you "belong" and are therefore "right". But are you? That is for you to look at deeply and decide.

It takes a calm and discerning mind - an inner wisdom - which is not commonly applauded by humanity at large, to be guided by your own understanding of right and wrong and not be controlled by the conditioning of the outer world or society.


To create a world of peace, the people in it must be capable of evaluating the actions which are taken by themselves and asking whether these actions have actually resulted in truly helping people grow into better expressions of their individual lives. Whether the actions taken and ideas expressed have resulted in more harmony, balance and peace for society and the people in it, or less. Whether the results of the actions taken have resulted in more Unity or more division. More acceptance or more hate. Acceptance practiced with and driven by the energy of hate and rejection is no longer acceptance, but divisiveness driven by a distorted and confused intention.

If you elect to be "for" something or "against it"....anything....FIRST, before claiming allegiance, ask "Does this bring people together or does it sew more seeds of hate? Does it bring the kind of energy into the world that I want to be living with in my own personal life?" If it does not plant the seeds for the garden you are trying to grow, then stop throwing in the seeds of the weeds of misalignment and choose your next steps wisely. It is not necessary to take sides, though we are often encouraged to do so. And there is a deep human drive to be accepted, to be part of something, some group. Because we crave community.

When we don't accept parts of ourselves, rather than working to heal that inside of us we often tend to focus outward and either point fingers at lack of acceptance by others and criticize outward, or we try to get other people to accept other people. Because looking within ourselves is, quite frankly, uncomfortable.  And sometimes we may, honestly, not know what to do to heal that wound on the inside so we try to tweek the outside world, to change the channel. Because that is what we know and how we have been taught to act. But the only way to change the show we are watching is to adjust the projector, which is on the inside. First. Then we can act as stars in that new movie and rewrite the script.

What is necessary if we hope to create balance, justice, harmony and unity is to act in a way that brings those results, not according to the ways of lower human conduct, conflict and changeable opinion, but according to the way life actually unfolds for us an echo of our actions which ripple out.

The way I see it, people are people. There are very few true victims other than those of us who are victims of our own ignorance about what brings the results we say we want and our inability to stand outside the storm of chaos to see clearly, be calm, and act from a place of clarity where actions are aligned with our words and the energy that is propelling them.

Are your actions, thoughts and emotions in alignment with what you say you want? If not, stop. Stop acting. Settle. Align. And get clear. What is the course you can set to align with the destination you aspire to?

Once you are clear on that, take action. If you are not clear yet, for now just choose be kind and to love as much as you can. And choose what brings people together. That is a much more effective strategy than going along with the masses who are blinded by their emotions and contributing to the storm of emotionalism.


You are better than that. You are at least capable of being better than that. And everyone has a choice. If we all healed our inner wounds and shed the programming of shame and victimization and hate for that which opposes our beliefs, we WOULD have peace. Because we could take effective action as a whole, as a human race rather than as a bunch of broken up groups of humanity warring against itself. That, though, requires everyone to participate in this right way of living. If you are not, you are not contributing to the solution and you are the first kink in the chain.


Change requires change.

Love and Hate are two ends of the spectrum. Your world reflects to you where you have chosen to align your emotions and actions. Words actually have very little power compared to these two unless they are aligned with these and are used as amplifiers. Your voice is an amplifier, sending out into the world the energy you carry in your heart, emotions and thoughts. The words themselves are just energy carriers, you can think of it that way. So, until you feel inside the way you want others to act, stop! Heal. Get clear inside yourself. And learn all you can to help you have a more accurate perspective on what is going on in the game of human drama, propaganda and  manipulation. You must learn to stand outside the storm, otherwise you are just contributing to it.

Outside the storm there are no sides other than the polarities of Light and Dark. There is no "side" within the storm that is all Light or all Dark. Because humans have not yet accomplished that within themselves. YOU have not accomplished that balance within yourself. But you can!

Be strong, grasshopper! Get wise. So that you can BE all that which your inner heart wants. And then you can SHINE that light in the darkness, driven by the force of LOVE, instead of being another extinguished flame searching blindly for a torch in the darkness wielding whatever energy you blindly happen upon and stirring the pot further.

Together we can move our life and each other closer to center, to balance. But that requires choice.

If you see things you don't like it also requires choosing something DIFFERENT than you have chosen before. Because the world spins out from us, from our previous choices and action, and we are all connected. All One. And we are each INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE for the world we see. If you see disharmony, hatred, lack of integrity and lies in the world you must FIRST weed out those shadows from inside your own heart and mind or they will continue to cast forms in your life. Weed out all the inconsistencies between what you say you believe and how you are acting, thinking and emoting. If you, in your desire to help others, cannot do this and do not try AND SUCCEED, how can you expect others to do it that have not yet even connected with desire that originates with the Light and don't even know they are still being controlled by their shadows. That is the first step.

You must be the Warrior in your own inner life FIRST!

Then you will be fit to effect change as a Warrior of Light in the world.

There are universal correlations, that we can use to guide us.

For example

If you want to live in a world free of lies and distortion, you must get your own emotions and actions aligned. You must live in integrity FIRST, to the best of your ability. And then when you know better you must do better. You must not be afraid to say "I was wrong", if you discover with new insight and information that you mis-assessed a situation.

That allows you to re-orient to the Light more and more. This is how we will lift each other up out of the quagmire of suffering and into the Light.

If you find yourself struggling with suspicion and mistrust, if you want to be able to connect with trust, you must first make yourself trustworthy!

I will say that again

You must FIRST make YOURSELF trustworthy.

Are you acting with kindness and treating others with respect, always?  Or are you "coming in hot", inflamed and emotional?

Others must be able to trust you. To be safe with you.

That means you MUST have mastery over your emotions and your thoughts so they are not causing you to act in ways that harm, hurt or confuse other people. You must not be controlled by your own emotions. You must NEVER harm another person. EVER. And if you feel justified in doing so, you must look at that within yourself and ask why. And then you must outgrow that obstacle to trustworthiness. Step by step.

That makes you able to be trusted by others. That makes you safe.

And that creates experiences for yourself where you are able to allow yourself to trust others and they prove to be worthy of your trust. ❤️

Wondering how do really be able to get yourself to this point?

The path of initiation exists for tjis exact reason, to help us live in balance.

If you are ready to step up in your life to help your fellow brother's and sisters I'm here to help you. If you feel called to sometjing greater and want a path to guide you to yourself, I'm here to help you.

Life Activation

Empower Thyself Training and Inittiation

and for tjose who are serious about going further

Healers Academy second step initiation

And for those ready to clear their shadows,

Ritual Master path

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